Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week Five: Night

"Addiction" by Matt Smith

The most congested freeway in the USA is the 405 in Los Angeles. The road seems to always be at a stand still while driving. From the view of an over pass, however, this highway is moving at warpspeed. Skaters are, by nature, adrnaline junkies. I once heard a speech from the pop culture icon Dr. Drew, in which he stated that "extreme" athletes have a much higher chance of developing drug addiction. The desire for danger and risk in this photo proves this statement to me. The image was actually a fluke. The goal was to have my friend stand motionless, but by mistake, he thought I said that the photo was over, thereby liberating him of his rigidity obligations. Even though he was free to do as he pleased, he remained on the ledge, amping on the rush of cars beneath him.

this is my night photo due to the freezing cold weather and my lack of motivation to stand out in it to take my picture. School is killer right now but I am determined to press through and create some better work in the next few weeks. Taking it a day at a time and trying to enjoy this college craziness.


When this theme was suggested I knew exactly the kind of photo I'd shoot: Dark, abandoned, desolate. I had the perfect location in mind. It started raining as I headed downstairs to shoot. Although the photos look creepy, I felt so at ease in this park... I spent a part of my childhood living nearby. The sense of familiarity never leaves.

- Danièle

When we decided on the theme night, so many ideas rushed through my head. The one that I really couldn't shake was how much my idea of night has changed over the past year. Almost exactly a year ago I decided to follow my childhood dream and move to California, after about 5 months I developed pretty severe anxiety and began having panic attacks several times a day. After what was probably the most grueling month of my life, I decided it was in my best interest to move home and deal with this. It was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made and upon coming home, though my general anxiety weakened I began to panic almost every night at sunset. The beginning of the night terrified me, but I had, and still have no idea why. For months I had to be in a room with no natural light during the golden hour just to avoid the panic, I felt trapped inside of this illogical nightmare of my own mind. I am happily and slowly returning to life as I previously knew it, but I won't ever forget about the little bubble I lived in for so long.
To get this shot, I took the shot you see and overlaid it with a photo of the stars because they looked incredible last night. I also used a fog machine to create the glow.


I'm a sucker for long exposures & experimenting so this theme was really fun for me. I went shooting in a huge warehouse on Monday night and it was so nice to just explore in the quiet and dark of the night in this big, old warehouse. For this photo, I used a shot from the warehouse and another from doing long exposures with sparklers. Obviously, there are no sparklers in this photo because I just used the trees.

This week was ridiculously hard. Every night had me in emotional breakdown. I'm just exhausted. So many responsibilities and things to learn. But it was so nice to end the week with my mom coming home, water color painting, developing film and spending a bit of time on learning some new chords. Even though it was a rough week, I am abundantly blessed with so many people that pray for me, love me, encourage me. I made it through this week!
Can't believe next week is week 6...

Wow, sorry for this.

The theme for this week was night and I had a really cool photo planned but the weather didn't fully cooperate. Maybe I'll try again in the summer when the nights are warmer and less cloudy. I took this last minute on saturday night before going to an 80's themed roller skate night (which was awesome just in case you were wondering). I don't really like this photo as a whole but I do really like the shadows.

Saturday was the first day all week that I got to sleep in past 8:30am...
Hope you all had a more restful week than mine :)

- Christie

I know I'm posting this a bit late. I took this photo after work last Sunday. Standing under a streetlight in our driveway. Our neighborhood looks so sleepy and homey at night. January in Massachusetts and no snow. I love the nighttime and this photo was a challenge for me because I'm so used to shooting with natural light.

This week was my first full week of classes and I also worked five nights. Still rocking my waitressing uniform in this picture-- black pants, shoes, hair up.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week Four

This is my home wave at its best. I dream of mornings like this. Waking up at 7, grabbing coffee, and seeing this when i get to the beach is my favorite thing ever. This was Sunday morning and i had a sprained wrist. No surfing. Looking at this picture makes me smile at how perfect the wave is and cringe that i wasn't out there. I know, i put the wave in the dead center of the frame which generally is a no no in terms of composition but i really don't care. Its a perfect wave and why should I?

-Matt Smith


it's been a really long week. breakfast dates, class, materialism, birthday, surprises, snow storms, remote, worship, serving, weekend services, leading. i turned 19 on friday and it's about time. i'm starting to pick up my guitar again. & i got my remote! so this is my first self-portrait with my remote and i plan on doing a lot more. i guess i just chose this one because of all the bokeh. i love my 50 f/1.4!

till next week...

This wasn't the photo that I intended to use for this week...
I was still at home in Washington during the first half of the week and we had a huge snowstorm so I took advantage of that and took a selfie in the snow. It didn't turn out how I wanted it to so I decided to reshoot for this week, maybe I'll revisit it later. On tuesday, I flew down to California for my spring semester of university. Classes haven't started yet but I've been super busy catching up with people and getting ready for my sorority's recruitment. All of that on top of the crazy rain we've been getting lately is why you get this less than stellar photo today.

- Christie

I took a lot of pictures this week, not too many of myself though. I returned a christmas present and bought myself some studio lighting. It has been so fun to be able to play with and mess around with lighting in the comfort of my home. I am also getting excited about the rest of my life for some reason this week. This project has really reinvigorated my passion for photography. anyways, i hope everyone has a good week!


I have not been giving this project the effort it deserves, and I am making a promise to myself to change that. It snowed this week, I worked four nights (as usual), and my semester starts tomorrow. Everything is so transient. Tonight I drove home from the grocery store in thick fog and slushy rain. It was beautiful.


It rained today.

As much as I like this, I don't really think I'm challenging myself enough or going outside the box with my photographs lately. I want this project to consist a lot of my sister so I can practice, but I think I might try to actually get back into self portraits because those tend to test my abilities more. I don't know, I don't know... But it's 2012 I may as well make some significant effort.


Ever get that feeling when you just know that you met somebody for a reason?

- Danièle

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week Three

This picture says a lot about me, primarily because of my hands. My boss once posted a picture of me and titled it Matt "Fingers" Smith. I've been known for having somewhat nervous hands due to previous high levels of anxiety. I find it very interseting that even while shooting photos at the beach (my favorite pastime and location) my fingers still assume an odd position. This photo symbolizes what i feel society demands of me, throw away forms of fun and embrace productivity. I cannot fathom ever giving up skating and surfing. I will always find time for them. One surboard was damaged in the making of this photo.
Matt "Fingers" Smith

This was taken in the bathroom of one of the buildings at my University. The lighting was coming straight from these big beautiful windows, and I knew I wanted to go there to take this picture as soon as I saw it. I feel like I could have done something more than just a simple portrait but I didn't want to freak anyone out who was coming into the bathroom. haha This first week of school has already brought on a lot of work and stress, so I am hoping to keep up the inspiration despite the lack of time I have to commit to this project.


The past week has been testing. I'm drained, both physically and emotionally. I've been trying to figure myself out... trying to find what I'm comfortable with and searching for what makes me happy. I realised I have to stop being so close-minded. I have to stop telling other people how to live their lives and actually live my own.

So don't let anything stop you from finding who you are. Find what makes you you, do what you love and do what you enjoy. Life's too short not to dance.

- Danièle

This was mostly a shoot that I did with a model, one of my closest friends from high school, but I wanted to take some selfies too so that I could use it for this project. This week has been rather odd and lonely. Most of my friends have gone back to university so I was stuck at home for an extra week with almost no one to hang out with. It was weird. Luckily, I'll be heading back to uni myself in a few days so I probably won't know what to do with my life because there will be so many people to see :)

- Christie

I've been in my head a lot this week. It was kind of blocking up my creative juices, but driving home today I saw these clouds. The sky is one of my favorite parts about living in Colorado, it is so beautiful everyday. I ran inside grabbed my camera and headed up to the roof. I am so thankful for this project and group, the accountability and camaraderie  it has already provided is incredible, I feel blessed to be a part of it.
Thanks guys!


I had a really really hard time deciding what to choose for this week...did a lot of shooting. So...yesterday I got a 50mm f/1.4 and just about died. Early birthday present! It is magnificent. I really wanted to do a self-portrait or portraits of someone this week but instead went for a very long walk in the woods and listen to the frozen [but still flowing] creek for awhile. It was so peaceful. My birthday is on Friday so that should be fun. Hoping to do a self-portrait next week. All of you are wonderful and your work is inspiring.


My friend and housemate Alex posed for me today. My photography has been pulling me into the woods more and more lately and I love that. This week has been long, but in a good way. The beginning stages of transformation.  Everything is so transient.


I'm a procrastinator and I get incredibly lazy too often... I have to get over that or else I'll always post late and settle for night shots. Blah.

Anyway, this is my photo for week three, which was supposed to be last week. I'll have a photo for week four (this week) up tomorrow or tuesday hopefully.

Second semester started this week, I got my final grades back, I started a new class, and I'm basically back into the swing of school again. How great.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week Two

Tomorrow I start college back up again, and I'm nervous and excited all at once. Hoping this semester opens doors and challenges me and teaches me a lot. I am finally taking classes that pertain to my major and I cannot wait to dive into it all. This was the last picture I took in Texas before I came home this week to Nebraska. I love Texas sunsets.


We had a good sized swell this week with waves approaching 20 feet in some areas. This photo was shot just as the waves were starting to fill in. I love the Venice Pier and spend a large portion of my free time on this structure. There are no stores, bathrooms, or restaurants; just fisherman, lovebirds, and locals. Its simplicity makes it beautiful. I cant remember the settings exactly but the shutter was set somewhere around 1/6 of a second to capture the waves.

Matthew Smith

This first week of the new year has been a strange one for me. When my family and I returned from vacation, most of my friends had already gone back to colleges while I still have a couple more weeks off. It feels very weird to be in my home town without all of my friends from high school here with me. It's basically just me and one of my best friends here so we plan on spending a boatload of time together this coming week. Hopefully we'll get to do a photoshoot together :)

- Christie

What is this picture of, you ask? It's a hand of worship, helping, healing, & justice. 45,000 students gathered for the cause of Christ to bring freedom to the 27 million trapped in slavery. We raised 3.6 million for human trafficking, Obama declared January anti-human trafficking month, & Goggle recently donated $11.6 million. CNN did a story on this. Go watch the video here. So unfortunately, The Georgia Dome was not allowing DSLR's for the Passion conference. So this instagram photo will have to suffice. To see more photos from my trip & keep updated, you can follow me on instagram here. Among several other things, God revealed to me that if I was going to travel the earth for my own enjoyment, I might as well spread the Gospel while doing that. So, I'm just following after Him and right now I am going to finish up my certificate, go to Moody and get a biblical certificate and start doing missions. God knows if I'll do it all my life or just for awhile. Maybe I will use my photography to bring light into the darkness. Travel the world and bring all this darkness out into the light: show people how ugly this world really is. I'll be going to Haiti in May [God willing], maybe Dominican Republic in June...I don't really know where He's going to place me.

I'll be doing some longer blogging every week. If you'd like to check that out with every photo, go to my Flickr.


Alright, so I've decided that my 52 week project isn't going to be self portraits but rather mostly of my sister. I never take enough photos of her and she's actually fantastic to take photos of so that's my plan. Hope everyone's New Year is going well so far.


This morning my brother left for 6 months in Spain, knowing he was leaving I went out early this week to shoot. I was on a walk with a friend when we stumbled across this lake and she said she was going to try walking on it. I am generally a pretty cautious person, to the extent of one of my new years resolutions being "be more reckless", so it took me about five minutes of her walking around before I went on the ice with her. After running onto the ice with her, we spent all of golden hour on the ice and my camera never really my hand. 

Not quite sure what to say here. Bunny is named Nuvula and she is really sweet. She belongs to someone I live with and this morning before work I was shooting these and some of my housemates filtered through the dining room (literally the only wall in the house that gets good sun!) and we were all laughing about me posing topless with the bunny. I also took some selfies with a cat we've been house sitting named Pizza (maybe some of those will end up on my Flickr or Tumblr over the next week or so). Full moon tonight! 


I was apprehensive about posting this photo, partly because I'm not wearing much and partly because it was only the first shot of the 40 or so that I took that day. I guess sometimes when a shot feels right there's no point looking elsewhere. 

- Danièle

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Week One

It feels wonderful taking this picture in Texas where I'm visiting my family for the holidays. Not looking forward to returning to snow and ice for next week's picture in Nebraska. I was actually kicked off this guy's property in the middle of my shoot (I had no idea anyone even lived there!). Excited for what is to come in the next year! Happy 2012 everyone!

<3 Chase Barrington

Let me start off by saying I am so excited to be starting this project!

I went out today to take this picture and it didn't start off great, I was cold and uninspired about 300 pictures later I had some pictures that I really liked. So excited for a new year and for this project to force me to explore every week!

Ty Ferg

I am so excited to be starting my year with this project & doing it with eight other amazing photographers! I was feeling extremely uninspired (and exhausted) all day so this is the best I could do. 2012 has a lot in store. In 6 hours, I will be driving to Georgia for Passion 2012. John Piper, Hillsong United, Chris Tomlin, Francis Chan-I am so thankful for God's provision and faithfulness. I am ready for more adventures, lessons, and discoveries this year. I am looking forward to documenting my year of adventures & exploring through photographs.


I had a beautiful experience exploring the woods around my house today. One of my many goals of this project is that I hope it brings me into the forest more often, closer to nature and to the pure, unrefined beauty and inspiration it has to offer.
It is entirely unclear to me how 2012 is going to pan out. Right now I am being pulled in so many directions and consumed by so many dreams and passions and temptations. I suppose I know roughly where I'll be for the next few months or so, but after that, I have absolutely no idea what adventures I will fall into and where my wanderlust will carry me. I am hoping that this project will help to ground me in a way, and also serve as inspiration and motivation throughout the year, to stick with me and continue to teach me more about myself and about the universe as a whole.


Rider: Kody Noble, Trick: 360 flip into California Ave. in Santa Monica, CA.
I must confess I did not take this today. I did take it on Christmas Eve though. I'm super stoked on this project and am honored to get to post with all the other photographers (they're really good and in my opinion have an amazing aesthetic appeal).
Matthew Smith

Now that it's 2012, and I'll be applying to colleges in a little more than half a year, I really need to start taking my art and my photography seriously. This project, whether I choose to have it all self portraits or not, will push me to continue growing as a photographer. I recently got photoshop cs5 (previously I was only using lightroom) so I'm hoping I can explore different types of editing this year. I've also been saving up for a DSLR that records video because I really want to get into filmmaking. I'm hoping 2012 will be a year for me to grow and explore and establish myself as an artist. I can't wait to get this project going and update every week. Happy new year everyone!

- Joe Curtin

After completing Project 365 last year I'd had a taste of the effort and commitment involved in such a long-term project. Deciding to take on Project 52 instead alongside 8 other amazing photographers is exactly what I've needed to start the new year. I miss shooting everyday (and will probably shoot more than once a week) so I'm expecting to push myself artistically much further than I'd attempted in the last project. I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with. I can't wait to be inspired.

- Danièle Martinie

In the months following the completion of my 365 project last February, I've noticed that I've slowly let photography slip out of my life. In an effort to change that and push myself creatively, I decided to start a 52 weeks project. I had originally planned on going it alone but I am so excited to be collaborating with such great photographers on this project instead. I can't wait to see how 2012 pans out for us and our photography. Happy New Year!
p.s. That's a natural lens flare :P

- Christie